The new Microsoft tech support scam

By now many have caught on to the Microsoft tech support scam. This is the scam where you get a phone call from “Microsoft” and they claim they have detected a “problem” that has to be fix ASAP, such as a virus.

Now that many know about this scam they have switched it up a bit and the phone call now says your IP address is about to expire. It is designed to play on the fact that most computer users have no idea what an IP address is or how networks assign your IP address.

Simply put, when you get a modem from your ISP it has to connect to its servers so that you can than be directed to the larger Internet. The fact that most people don’t know is your modem is assigned an IP address (sort of like a phone number) as soon as it connects to the company you get your service from.

This IP address is different every-time the modem reconnects to the company’s servers and is assigned dynamically and is included with the service package you buy from your provider. If an IP does expire they automatically assign you a new one. This is part of what your modem does and needs not help on your part.

So in short your IP address never really expires and you don’t need to do anything to keep it going as it is all part of the service you already pay for. If you should get this call just hang up and don’t worry.

Stay safe!